Clearing and storing snow is a big job but it is also a team effort


The City of Vernon provides a variety of services across the municipality in response to snow and ice events. These services are provided by City staff and contractors who utilize several pieces of equipment, such as snow plows, sanders, an anti-icing truck, sidewalk equipment, shovels and snow blowers. 

To assists crews and to keep roads and sidewalks safe and accessible, the City is reminding residents to be mindful of the impact parked vehicles and recreational vehicles can have on snow removal operations.

“Crews are having difficulties plowing some streets due to the number of vehicles parked on the roadway at various locations throughout the city,” said Ian Adkins, Manager, Roads, Drainage & Airport. “When vehicles are moved off the snow routes, it really helps the city clear the snow faster, making the roads safer and giving everyone in the community better service.”

To further assist crews in their snow clearing efforts, some residents may notice temporary “No Parking” signs placed on streets throughout the city. These temporary no parking areas will remain in place as long as required. More locations may be added to allow crews adequate space to safely clear the roads.  

As a reminder¸ when there is a snow or ice event, crews’ clear roads, lanes and cul-de-sacs on a priority basis, according to the City’s Snow and Ice Control Policy.”

•    Priority 1 Roads - arterials, collectors, bus routes, school zones and selected problem areas
•    Priority 2 Roads - all remaining roads except lanes and cul-de-sacs
•    Priority 3 Roads - lanes and cul-de-sacs

Each snow and ice event is different. Depending on the scope and length of the event, it could take crews up to 72 hours to reach all areas once the snow has stopped falling. If snow continues to fall, crews may have to return to Priority 1 routes to keep our city moving.

Citizens are reminded that sidewalks adjacent to residential and commercial properties are the responsibility of the resident or tenant. It’s important these areas are kept clear for the safety of everyone who uses them. 

The cooperation of all residents is crucial in maintaining the safety and functionality of our city during the winter months. The City would like to thank everyone for helping to make Vernon a safer environment for all members of the community.

For more information on the City’s snow and ice program, including a list of frequently asked questions, please visit the City of Vernon website at