Personal information contained on this form is collected and used only for the purposes of responding to your request, as per Section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). The information on this form is collected for use by the City of Vernon. For more information, please contact Bylaw Compliance.
Thank you for using our online appeal form and City of Vernon Parking Facilities. Fine amounts do not increase while a ticket is under appeal.
Please understand that a screening officer does not have the authority to cancel a ticket, except as determined by Council policy.
Extraneous circumstances are not grounds for cancellation. These include such circumstances as:
- You did not have correct change to put in the parking meter
- You were unable to read the parking meter due to the display having snow or ice on it
- You were told by someone that it was OK to park where you received the ticket
- Your lawn could not be mowed as your mower had broken down
- You could not get back to your vehicle prior to the meter expiration due to a delay caused by someone else
- This is the only ticket that you have ever received
- You could not shovel the snow off the sidewalk adjacent to your property as you were away on holidays
Please ensure that all information regarding your ticket is provided so that a screening officer may contact you.