Zoning Bylaw 5000 has been in effect since July 2004, and contains a substantial number of residential and mixed-use zones that will be impacted by the Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (Bill 44) and Transit Orientated Development Areas (Bill 47) legislation.
To meet the timelines set by the province for implementing the requirements of the new legislation, the City will be taking a phased approach to Zoning Bylaw 6000:
Phase 1: Design
Provincial Timeline: June 30, 2024
Overhaul Zoning Bylaw 5000 to rethinking how, what and why the City regulates in terms of land development to ensure accessibility, usability, adaptability and alignment with provincial requirements, City policies and initiatives. Given the tight timeline established by the province, the aim is to create a starting point for Zoning Bylaw 6000 that is in alignment with provincial legislation including the implementation of:
The initial design focuses on:
- Reducing the number of zones to simplify the development of housing and employment opportunities in the City.
- Redefining the City’s perspective on housing to align with provincial requirements.
- Reducing parking requirements for housing in alignment with provincial requirements and simplifying parking requirements for commercial and industrial developments to increase flexibility for employment opportunities.
- Refocusing on plain language to improve clarity and understanding of zoning regulations.
- Designating Transit Oriented Development areas to focus larger scale developments in areas where transit is readily accessible.
- Establishing resort areas to strengthen our tourism industry.
Phase 2: Refine
Timeline: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025
- Review sections of the bylaw not covered by the provincial housing regulations such as landscaping and general development regulations.
- A detailed review of properties to ensure new zones have been applied as intended.
- Implement additional requirements of provincial legislation as details become available.
- Hearing from the community to help us identify potential errors or unintended outcomes, as well as opportunities for improvement.
Phase 3: Align
Provincial Timeline: July 1, 2025 – December 30, 2025
Align Zoning Bylaw 6000 with the new Official Community Plan, new Transportation Plan, and the interim Housing Needs Report to ensure the City has zoning in place to meet the housing needs of the community over the next 20 years.