Event Planning

Welcome to Vernon!

Let's ACTIVATE your special event!

The event planning process is a tool to help guide event organizers plan successful events within the City of Vernon.  

For any indoor or outdoor events that have 150+ participants/attendees, an event application form is required to be completed.  

The event planning process helps to ensure that all event information is collected, and requirements are met, while City of Vernon approvals can be facilitated in order for an event to proceed safely and effectively.

  • The rental contract is the permit approval process for hosting special events.
  • It is the responsibility of the event organizer to follow all applicable laws and regulations; adhere to all event planning requirements, coordinate rental, set-up and take down of all event equipment, including but not limited to tents and fencing; pay all applicable fees associated with park & facility rental and any additional services.
  • Applications are reviewed by the City of Vernon, Recreation Events Coordinator - please allow 7 business days for application processing.

Application Process