Community Safety Office

The Vernon Community Safety Office (CSO) is the flagship operation of the Protective Services – Community Safety Unit.  Opening its doors in November 1999 as the Community Policing Office, staffed by RCMP CSO Volunteers, the storefront has expanded beyond traditional Community Policing functions, to providing overall Community Safety initiatives. Interested in becoming an RCMP CSO Volunteer? Click Here

The CSO houses information on over 50 crime reduction/prevention programs and initiatives and also offers a broad spectrum of information around community-based programs, projects and initiatives. 

The CSO allows for community members to initiate non or low priority reports to the RCMP, refers clients to available resources, services and programs within the community, provides information regarding current crime reduction/prevention programs and initiatives which empower individuals and neighbourhoods to feel and be safe.

The Community Safety Coordinator - Public Programs

The Coordinator is responsible for the day to day operations and staffing of the CSO as well as program development and implementation to address current crime trends and community needs. The Coordinator provides community outreach in the form of a wide variety of community relevant workshops centred on providing the tools to feel and be safe.  

Arrangements for residential or business security audits using the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), workshops on personal, home, vehicle and community safety, Internet safety, crystal meth awareness and a broad range of age and developmentally appropriate workshops can be made through the CSO. Information on bullying, drug awareness, cyberbullying, bike safety and much more is also available.

All workshops are designed to address the unique needs, development and age of the audience.