Kamloops 866-WXBRIEF (Toll free within Canada) or 866-541-4101 (Toll free within Canada and USA)
WX AUTO 123.175 WxCam
S 2, 3, 4, 5
Fuel 100 Low Lead (self serve) major credit cards and debit accepted
Jet A-1 call out 250-309-CYVK (2985) After hours call out charges may apply
Runway 05(054°)/234°) 3,517 x 75 feet (1072m) asphalt
Threshold 05 displaced 364'
Threshold 23 displaced 456'
Runway 23 dow 0.31%
TWY C day use only
RCR OPR 250-309-2985 Ltd win maint 1530-24Z Mon-Fri O/T chg may be levied
Day: Left hand circuit 05/23 height 2400 ASL
Night: Right hand circuit 05 (CAR 602.96) height 3000 ASL
05-(TE ME) P1 3.5°, 23-(TE ME) P1 4° ARCAL-122.8 type K
Pursuant to CARDS 602.96(3)(D), not certified for night operations unless S2 beacon is operating.
Only pilots familiar with lcl terrain should use this airport during hours of darkness. Marked fence parallels and lies within 200’ of centreline of approach to Runway 05. Extensive para-jumping in area. Glider activity ocsl to 12,500 ASL and ultra-light activity at A/D. Water A/D 0.5NM SW tfc at 1600 ASL.
Corporation of the City of Vernon 25-545-3035 Cert