The Pleasant Valley Cemetery is located at 4311 Pleasant Valley Road in Vernon. This 32 acre site can be accessed from from Hwy 97 via 43rd Avenue by travelling north 150 metres along Pleasant Valley Road.
The cemetery gate is open and closed every day with the following schedule:
- March 15 to October 15: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
- October 16 to March 14: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Cemetery Office
- Location: Vernon City Hall, 3400 30th Street.
- Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm. Closed on weekends and holidays.
The City is responsible for the operation of Pleasant Valley Cemetery, the sale of cemetery plots, interment permits, marker permits, scheduling burials, and the maintenance of burial records. The City maintains the cemetery under contract.
The operation of the cemetery is subject to Provincial laws and regulations as well as the City of Vernon's Cemetery Management Bylaw #5767. The bylaw provides for control of plot sizes, headstone markers, flower stands, and related items.
2025 Cemetery fees
cemetery contact
Flowers & decorations
We understand and respect the need for families to honour loved ones within the Pleasant Valley Cemetery through the placement of offerings at gravesites. This is part of the grieving and healing process. The City of Vernon welcomes these tributes, within the regulations and guidelines that are listed below, and which are common in many other BC communities.
Regulations regarding the placement and removal of offerings were designed to help maintain a peaceful and orderly atmosphere for all who visit the cemetery and to ensure the safety of all who visit and maintain the grounds.
Please note:
- no open flame, candle or burning of any substance or other material may take place inside the cemetery.
- the cemetery accepts no responsibility or liability for any items that are lost, stolen, or removed by an act of vandalism.
Phased improvements
In 2019, the Cemetery Master Plan was approved. The City of Vernon has been working on the cemetery irrigation drawings and will be updating areas of the cemetery that do not have adequate irrigation. Design of the irrigation system is underway with construction planned for 2023.
An information kiosk will be installed at the corner of Elm Street and Maple Avenue, which will provide visitors with site information, regulations, and a wayfinding map.