Sector Profiles

Vernon has a diverse economic base, generating income from a growing professional services sector, the traditional resource sectors of forestry and agriculture, as well as the tourism, technology, manufacturing and service sectors. Vernon is home to a number of made-in-Vernon success stories, including Kal Tire, Tolko Industries and Okanagan Spring Brewery.

Good food and a rich agricultural history play a large role in the economy, as evidenced by the many farmers markets and agri-tourism opportunities. Local produce and farm products abound, offering tremendous variety in organic and locally-produced foods. Some key agri-tourism attractions include Davison Orchards, Planet Bee and O’Keefe Ranch along with numerous vineyards throughout the Okanagan.

Companies in Vernon have access to a highly skilled workforce. The University of British Columbia Okanagan and Okanagan College campuses provide post-secondary opportunities to both high school graduates and returning students upgrading their skills.