Evacuation Stages

Evacuation Notices​

What you should do when an evacuation is in effect

Upon notification of an ALERT, you should be prepared for the evacuation order by:

  • Locating all family members or co-workers and designate a meeting place outside the evacuation area, should an evacuation be called while separated.
  • Gathering essential items such as medications, eyeglasses, valuable papers (i.e. insurance), immediate care needs for dependants and, if you choose, keepsakes, photographs, etc. Have these items readily available for quick departure.
  • Preparing to move any disabled persons and/or children.
  • Moving pets and livestock to a safe area.
  • Arranging to transport your household members or co-workers in the event of an evacuation order.
  • Arranging accommodation for your family if possible. In the event of an evacuation, Reception Centres will be opened if required.

4 Stages of Evacuation:

In the event of an emergency residents will be advised when they should prepare for an evacuation. There are four stages of an evacuation: