Lake Access Projects

Funded by
Casino Grant Reserve, Gas Tax Reserve, and Local Improvement Reserve
Project State

Site 22 - Kin Beach Update: This project has been completed

March 15, 2024
Construction will start up the week of March 18 and will continue while the weather is favourable. The archaeology team continues to coordinate with the contractor during the excavation and construction is expected to be complete by early May.

November 17, 2023
Permitting has been received for Site 22 ( Kin Beach) and Chapman Industries will begin construction the week of November 20, 2023. Construction will take place while the weather is favourable and will finish in the spring. Construction will be slow going at first while the archaeology team coordinates with the contractor during the excavation.

Site 26 - 8355 Eastside Road Boat Launch Update: November 27, 2023

The project is waiting for the archaeology permit from the Province before we can start and the Section 11 environmental permitting is subject to receiving the archaeological permit.

The design is currently 75% complete and will be finalized and ready to go to RFP / Tender process once all the permitting is in place.

The City is working to formalize lake accesses to Okanagan Lake. Different locations are in different stages of design, and drawings are available through links on this page.

  1. Two sites will be constructed in 2023 and are anticipated to be open by summer 2023.
    - Lake Access Site #25, 8797 Okanagan Landing Road
    - Lake Access Site #11, 8130 Tronson Road (boat launch replacement)
  2. Permitting is underway for two sites. The designs are complete, but the sites would be constructed once permits are acquired and the sites are tendered for construction. 
    - Lake Access Site #22, 3000 Lakeshore Road
    - Lake Access Site #26, 8835 Okanagan Landing Road (boat launch replacement)
  3.  Preliminary design is underway for two other sites, and the designs are yet to be finalized and permitting is still required.
    - Lake Access Site #20, 7300 Tronson Road
    - Lake Access Site #30, 9499 Eastside Road

Project Details:
For more details on the two sites slated for development in spring 2023 include:

(links to Engage Vernon Site)
22 8130 Tronson Road Boat Launch Replacement
25 8797 Okanagan Landing Rd Recreational Area

Throughout numerous public participation initiatives and consultation for the Official Community Plan, Parks Master Plan and Lake Access Plan, the City has consistently heard that the public would like to see more access to Okanagan Lake. Given that much of Vernon’s lakeshore property is privately owned, Vernon’s lake accesses play an important role in connecting residents, drainage, and wildlife to Okanagan Lake. Unlike parks, lake accesses are public road rights of way that provide access to water bodies, and when used recreationally are intended for short interludes.

One of Council’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan goals is to develop a minimum of one lake access site per year. To achieve that goal, the City is focusing development of the 15 priority lake access sites listed within the 2018 Lake Access Plan. The two lake access sites planned for development in 2023 are listed in the top 15 priority lake access sites.

Company Contact

Darryl Lauridsen, GSC
Project Manager
Chapman Group 
250-549-2907 Ext. 104

Owen Morton, P.Eng.
Align Engineering
Civil Engineer | Principal
Kelowna, BC 
T 778-214-6936

City Contact(s)

Richard Bedard, AScT
Senior Project Manager
City Operations, 1900 – 48th Avenue,
Vernon, BC V1T 8Y7
Office: 250.550.3590