2024 Okanagan Landing Sewer

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The City of Vernon is working to extend its sanitary sewer collection system to un-serviced areas in the Okanagan Landing. The project is one of the key action items in the City’s Liquid Waste Management Plan that will help to improve water quality and reduce health risk due to failing septic systems.

Design and construction are proposed to be phased over several years starting in 2021. The initial phase of servicing work will focus on making city sewer service available in the steeper hillside areas where horizontal directional drilling could be used.  Individual services from the collector pipe to adjacent properties would be installed by the City when owners request to connect to City sewer service. The method of construction and phased servicing approach helps to expedite construction and makes sewer service available to as many properties as possible, at the lowest possible cost.

For the current 2024 project, construction is expected to start late spring or summer with completion later in 2024. 


Company Contact

Blake Lawson, P.Eng
Project Engineer, Principal
(250) 832-3220