Get out and stretch your legs at Kal Tire Place or Greater Vernon Sports Track. It’s free and a great way to stay in shape!
Kal Tire Place
August Walking Calendar
Mask wearing is a personal choice, please respect others comfort level.
Walking Etiquette
When using the facility for your walking convenience; please consider staff and other users while on the concourse. Here are a few simple guidelines to follow:
- Share the concourse: DO NOT walk 3-4 abreast. When walking with a friend, be alert to others who need to get around you and maneuvre into single file to allow them to pass easily.
- Follow the given direction for the day. Direction arrows are posted on posts ‘C’, ‘G’ and ‘E’ for walking inside or you may walk in the lower parking lot outside.
- DO NOT walk right on the outer perimeter as the risk of collision is high. Doors open unexpectedly and no one wants to be injured.
- Use proper waste receptacles for any wrappers or empty drink containers.
Inside Distances
- 1 Lap around the concourse = 800 feet
- 4 laps = 1 kilometre
- 7 laps = 1 mile
Outside Distances:
- 4 laps around back half parking lot = 1 kilometre
- 1 lap around building & entire back parking lot = 1 kilometre
- Management and Staff reserve the right to ask people to leave if not adhering to these guidelines
Greater Vernon Athletics Park Sports Track
Track lanes are reserved for walkers and/or runners. Stretching should be done well away from track lanes.
Direction of run: Counter-clockwise
Lane Use:
- Fast Runners: two inside lanes (Lanes 1 & 2)
- Moderate Runners/Joggers: three inner lanes (Lanes 3, 4, 5)
- Walkers: three outer most lanes (Lanes 6, 7, 8)
Lap Distance:
- Innermost lane (Lane 1) – 400 metres
4 laps ~ one mile
2.5 laps ~ one kilometre - Outermost lane (Lane 8) – 450 metres
Passing Other & Notes
- Pass on the left, calling out “TRACK” before you pass to allow slower runner the chance to move to the right.
- If you choose to run/walk with music, you should keep one ear free, or volume low enough, so you are aware of your surroundings.
- Special Track Shoes are not required, wear your regular clean running shoes.