Skating Schedule

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Please note: we do not have skate rentals at any of our facilities.

Public Skate:

Helmets are mandatory for all youth 10 and under, and are recommended for all other skaters.

*Sticks and pucks are not permitted on the ice during Public Skate times.*

Shinny Skates:

Centennial Outdoor Rink: Helmets, sticks and gloves are mandatory. *Parental Consent is required for all participants under 18 years of age to participate in Outdoor Shinny. This can be done online but clicking on the correct age group on the schedule below or in person at the front desk of the Recreation Centre. Participants under 18 years of age need the appropriate coloured tape on their helmet that can be picked up from the front desk of the Recreation Centre.

Priest Valley Arena and Kal Tire Place: Full equipment mandatory.

Kal Tire Place has skate sharpening available. Come by and check the hours of operation.


** Residents of the City of Vernon, District of Coldstream, Electoral Areas B & C and the OKIB can present their government issued photo ID with their current residential address (and a property tax bill, utility bill or tenancy agreement if address is not up to date) to receive a 50% discount on the above prices.**