Delegated Minor Development Variance Permits

Learn when a Delegated Development Variance Permit is considered minor and how these applications are evaluated. 

The City of Vernon has delegated powers, duties and functions to the Director of Planning and Community Services to issue Minor Development Variance Permits (DVP) through Delegation of Authority Bylaw 5727, where the proposed variance is considered minor in nature.

Criteria and Guidelines

The following criteria and guidelines outline when a DVP is considered minor by the Director of Planning & Community Services, how it will be evaluated and whether a public notification is required. 

Delegated Minor DVP Process Outline

Initial Inquiry

  • Pre-application meeting

Application Intake

  1. Applicant submits a Delegated Minor DVP application.
  2. City staff complete a cursory review of the application and request any missing submission requirements before taking in the application for processing.
  3. Once a complete submission is received, the application will be processed.

Internal Review & Referral Process

  1. City staff conduct a comprehensive review of the application to identify all necessary variances early on.
  2. City staff prepare referrals to applicable City departments and external utilities and agencies.
  3. City staff review referral comments and communicate them to the applicant.

Public Notification

  • City staff prepare notices and mailing list for the applicant.
  • The applicant sends or delivers the notices, provides additional information, receives input, and responds accordingly.

Report & Permit Preparation

  • City staff prepare a Minor Delegated DVP Report and Permit for review by the Director of Planning & Community Services.

Official Consideration & Decision 

The Director of Planning & Community Services reviews the Report and Permit and makes one of the following decisions:

  1. Approve the Delegated Minor DVP.
  2. Return it to the applicant for additional information or amendments.
  3. Reject the application. In case of rejection, the applicant may request reconsideration under Delegation of Authority Bylaw 5727.

How to Apply

Application Fees