The City of Vernon is reminding everyone to take care of each other on our roads as the days get darker and we enter the time of the year when collisions with people walking and cycling are more common.
Tips for Everyone
Drivers should keep their heads up for people walking and riding bikes or e-scooters at all times, especially near bike lanes or pathways, downtown, and even more so in low light. Take a moment to check for cyclists before you open your car door, especially on busy downtown streets.
Year-round cycling means taking extra care. Layer up for changing temperatures and use a strong white headlight and red taillight. Be prepared to take a quieter route and adjust your speed. Ride at least one metre from the curb to avoid puddles, show and debris. Studded winter tires are a wise investment for the colder months.
Wearing bright or reflective clothing while you walk will make you more visible. Don’t forget Fido – reflectors or lights on their collar will help keep your four-legged friends safe. It’s best to walk facing traffic when you are on a street with no sidewalks.
Reflectors for people and pets are available for free from the Community Safety Office located at 3010 31st Avenue.