UPDATE: Vernon ESS Reception Centre information


(as of August 3 @ 4:00 p.m.)

The City of Vernon ESS Reception Centre continues to receive residents who are being evacuated due to the White Rock Lake Fire (#K61884) and are being directed to register in Vernon.

The Reception Centre is assessing and adjusting its operations, as necessary, to assist evacuees who are looking for referrals such as housing or other services. 

Starting August 4, the reception centre will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily, at the Dogwood Gym, until further notice.

Direct access to the Dogwood Gym is available via the Halina Centre and PV Arena parking lot, at 3409 35th Avenue. For those attending the reception centre, please note:

  • ­­All evacuees should register online with the ESS Evacuee Registration & Assistance (ERA) tool even if you do not require referrals such as housing or other services: ess.gov.bc.ca
  • Due to a shortage of hotel accommodations, please consider making arrangements to stay with family or friends, if possible. 
  • Please do not bring pets into the reception centre. Pets should stay outside of the centre with an owner while another member of the household registers for service referrals.

For more information and updates regarding the White Rock Lake Fire and Evacuation Orders and Alerts, please visit the following pages:
