By June 30, 2024, all municipalities in British Columbia must update their zoning bylaws to meet provincial regulations for small-scale, multi-unit housing and Transit-Oriented Development Areas.
Accordingly, the City of Vernon has started the transition from Zoning Bylaw 5000 (ZBL 5000) to Zoning Bylaw 6000 (ZBL 6000). This change will align Vernon’s zoning bylaws with the recent provincial mandates.
Council provided first and second readings to ZBL 6000 during its regular meeting on May 27. A public hearing and third reading of the bylaw is scheduled for June 10, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. If the bylaw is approved during the third reading, it will be adopted on June 24.
"The City of Vernon has used this as an opportunity to create a new zoning bylaw that updates important rules," said Terry Barton, Director of Planning & Community Services. "By combining similar zones and land use categories, the bylaw is now easier for the public and developers to use."
Ahead of the mandated changes, residents and developers are encouraged to visit the City of Vernon's website to familiarize themselves with the new Zoning Bylaw 6000.
There are resources available on the City website to support residents and developers through the zoning bylaw transitions, including an interactive map displaying the new proposed zoning designations for each property within the City.
The City of Vernon remains committed to ensuring a transparent, guided, and consistent approach during this transition period, striving for the betterment of the community's development environment. Visit for the latest information.
For more information on the new provincial housing legislation, please visit the Province of British Columbia’s Local Government Housing Initiatives website, or contact the City of Vernon’s Planning Department at or at 250-550-3634.